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Review Trust Review Should...

Review Trust Review Should I get it?

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What is it: Review Trust is a powerful cloud based platform that allows anyone to collect and display real reviews and testimonials by simply pasting one line of code on to their website. And their system automates the entire process for you. Did you know: 70% of people say they look at reviews before making a purchase. 63% of consumers indicate they are more likely to purchase from a site that has product ratings and reviews. Reviews increase consumer trust by 12x. These are proven and time-tested facts. And if you think about the last time you made a purchase, it makes sense. So the question is, why aren't you displaying reviews and testimonials on your website, ecommerce page, or landing page? Here's how this process usually works. When a visitor lands on a sales page or ecommerce page, the #1 thing they look for is actual reviews from real people for social proof. How are you collecting, organizing, and displaying reviews and testimonials on your website or ecommerce store?

Chances are you’re doing this: A customer purchases your product, service, or fills their email on a lead form. You have someone email them, contact them via social media, or call. If you reach them, you ask for feedback, write it all down. Next, you have to collect a picture, video, or audio from them and upload it to your site. Then, you need to give everything to your designer or take the time to organize and display it. Last, you do this over and over again. Sound about right? Not only is this method time consuming but inefficient in your business. Introducing new solution named: Review Trust. Review Trust Review is a SAAS – "Software As A Service" and that means not only do we update it, but also we want to make sure that we can grow with your business. So, if you’re ready to automate your business, add social proof, and double your conversions, then you need to get Review Trust. Right now, you can get Review Trust at a very low special pricing deal, with no upsells, upgrades, or one time offers. And you can use it for yourself or your clients.

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