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Vidmonial 2.0 Review Should...

Vidmonial 2.0 Review Should I get it?

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What is it: Vidmonial 2.0 is the fastest, easiest way to collect, display, and drive traffic with video testimonials anywhere online - for you and clients you work with. Vidmonial 2.0 expands upon the initial, little video capture tool they created and transforms it into an entire video marketing review suite that captures, edits, syndicates, and markets both video and text testimonials all-in-one. In 2019 and Beyond Your Online Business Won’t Survive Without Authentic Video Testimonials. Sure, Facts And Figures, Big Claims, Or Proof Of Your Results Are Great, But That’s No Longer Enough. Whether it’s buying a gift on Amazon or choosing a dentist, people need to see reviews and see the product before they decide to buy. But in 2019, Even When People Do Read Your Reviews… They STILL Don’t Believe You! In 2019 online shoppers are far savvier and have realized businesses buy fake reviews as detailed in an article by Forbes. In fact, fact #1: According to a study by Ipsos, customer trust of reviews is down significantly with 37% of people trusting brands less than they used to. Fact #2: Plus, it’s estimated that 15% of online reviews, in general, are faked now. Vidmonial 2.0 Review

Video Testimonials reviews would you believe was real better. Because it’s a real person and you’re hearing it directly from their mouth! It’s more engaging. It’s more emotional. It’s more believable. It’s just more persuasive. That’s why Hubspot reports that 64% of customers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it. But, for most businesses Getting Video Testimonials is Time Consuming Work. Remember, even if your customer had a great experience with your product, people are just too busy today to drop everything their doing and do something for you. So How Do You Get an Endless Supply of Video Testimonials to Convert and Drive Traffic? That’s the exact problem they faced last year and ended up creating Vidmonial 1.0.  While this first beta version got lots of positive feedback, they knew there were tons more than needed to be added to really make this a serious SaaS tool.

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