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Convertri 2019 Review huges...

Convertri 2019 Review huges 2300$ bonuse

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Convertri 2019 Review: Adding Just One Video Could Cost You Half Your Traffic. Check out the difference from adding just ONE YouTube video to your page: Pro tip: the problem here isn’t even the video. It’s the video player. Players destroy your page speed stats firstly because they’re pretty chunky – each YouTube player on your page adds almost a MB to the page weight – and sometimes they’ll also be loading a ton of third-party ad or tracking cookies, and you can’t do anything about it. Great for your video hosting service. Not so great for you. A full 2-second increase from a single video. The load time more than doubled. And remember, 52% of people don’t wait around if your page loads slow. This means if you pay for 1000 clicks, 520 are being wasted. 520 people who’ll never opt in. 520 people who’ll never buy. This means it doesn’t matter how engaging your content is or how long you spent on your sales video. It can NEVER convert to its true potential, because half the traffic you worked for never even sees it. If your pages are slow, you’re running your business at a huge disadvantage. Ad campaigns that should be successful end up bombing. Funnels that should be profitable end up costing you money, because you’re paying too much for leads. Clients you should have won for your service never even see your portfolio. “We moved over from Clickfunnels and Convertri 2019 Review is better in every single way.” Ryan Phillips

Your Video Pages Need To Be As High-Performance As Possible, But Most Page Builders. Can’t Cope. It’s not their fault. They’re built to make page creation easy. They’re not built for high performance. But the fact is, if you don’t have a high-performance page, you’re losing out. You’re losing traffic, you’re losing conversions, you’re losing money.

The usual solution? Go bespoke. Get something hand-coded. Get your own custom video player built by a crazy Russian code-savant who’ll take a $75/hour fee for a month and, if you’re LUCKY, turn it into a result. And if you weren’t born with Bill Gates’ bank account, tough. But it’s not fair that you have to choose between ease and high performance.

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