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WP Optimiser Review huges...

WP Optimiser Review huges 2300$ bonuses

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WP Optimiser Review: It's essential to optimise sites for higher rankings, better conversions, better user experience, lower bounce rates & lowering your ad spend... At 3+ seconds load speed you are losing 50%+ of traffic at 20+ seconds you lose 95%+ of traffic according to Kissmetrics - visitors are becoming less patient... that's a serious problem especially for WordPress users where by the nature of the beast pages are notoriously slow. Right now the only WordPress optimisation products on the market either cache, optimise your database, lazy load your page or mess around with with your Java & CSS often breaking your site in the process. To Make matters worse 95% of products don't optimise your site graphics (one of the most important jobs) & the ones that do charge $100's per year.

So our competitors do half a job & still charge a fortune for the privilege while WordPress users still have no effective solution for optimising websites. WP Optimiser Review

As most of us use multiple plugins there's a good chance one of these is having a major impact on your site performance. Long Landing Pages Eat Your Bandwidth & Load The Full Page Even If Your Visitors Don't Scroll. The longer the page & more graphics you use the slower your page will take to load... Long pages are often used for landing pages & sales pages so it's especially important for these pages to load fast. However regular optimisation still may not give a fast load speed. The industry answer to this is to lazy load your images as the user scrolls which has the added benefit of reducing your bandwidth and processor load which means more visitors can view the same page simultaneously without you needing to upgrade your hosting plan. Till Now No-One Has Created An Optimisation Tool That's Fast, Easy & Effective...+ Doesn't Cost A Fortune. How WP Optimiser Helps... WP Optimiser is a combination of quick fixes & diagnostics that give you advice on how to fix your site speed issues - more importantly we cover all 6 Primary site optimisation factors - at best our competitors cover just 2 factors & charge more.

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