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STOREY Review 2300$ bonuses...

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Storey Review: Struggling to make sales sucks, there’s no other way to describe it. The good thing is, a whole sub-culture exists called ‘Conversion Hacking’. Essentially, there are small little tweaks you can make to boost your sales from the SAME traffic you’re already getting.

Stick with me in this email, and I’ll share the latest emerging conversion hack that’s sweeping the internet right now. Right, so if you have a business you know that reviews and testimonials are the #1 conversion factor. EVERYONE checks reviews before deciding whether to buy something or not.

The problem is, most websites, ecom stores, affiliate sites and more have their testimonials miles away from their buy button. This means when people read your testimonials, and they want to buy, you’ve inserted an extra action they need to take to actually give you their money. They have to scroll to try and find it!…not only that, these testimonials look boring, out-dated and are text-only. Hardly engaging at all in fact. It’s counter-intuitive, and that brings me to today’s conversion hack! Meet Storey.

Storey allows you to use the most engaging medium right now to increase sales... stories! Using Storey, you can transform boring 'text-only' testimonials into engaging (fully customizable) video stories. Storey Review

Place a widget (that looks just like the one at the top of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, WhatsApp and more) anywhere on your website (such as below your 'buy now' button). When a visitor clicks the widget; authentic, powerful social proof stories will begin playing - urging the visitor to purchase. You know reviews are the single most impactful conversion factor for any product. Everyone these days looks at reviews before deciding whether or not to buy. Stop making your visitors scroll away from your buy button to read your ‘text-only’ reviews, and keep them engaged right below your buy now button so they can checkout immediately after viewing.

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