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Why Nobody Cares About Viddle Interact R

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Viddle Interact Review Video Player Customization: Customization is key when you want to add your own personality to your video. A few clicks and witness complete transformation of your video player.

Easy Publish Anywhere: They provide you with advanced  embed codes that can help you publish your videos on any site or social media platform of your choice within minutes. You can also upload the content to Viddle Interact cloud with great ease. Go viral within minutes using inline & pop-over codes.

Screencast Recording System: Record any part of your screen you want! You can record the audio and video at once or separately if you like.

Revamping & Branding: Add your brand’s brilliant touch by incorporating its colors, logo and other elements into your videos. Then size and position it for optimal viewing.

Thumbnail Customization: Create your own striking thumbnail to increase your clicks. Give GIF thumbnails a try to knock your views out of the park. Viddle Interact Review

End Screen Tweaking: Select your end-screen and customize it to your needs to provide an impactful end to your video.

Pic To Pic Mode: Their floating window mode lets you do more than two things at once. View the video & attend to an urgent email at once. This ensures that the viewer never leaves your page.

Protected Viewing: Keep your video private at all times. Password protection allows only trusted audiences to view your video.

Shareable Link: With just one-click create a link to share your video with all the right people.

Domain Embedding Control: You can pick and choose the domains that can embed your videos. Stop people from “hot-linking’ to your content and using up your bandwidth.

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