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TurboLists Review follow up with your leads and make sales on autopilot. You can set your emails & follow-up sequences right from their dashboard for up to 30 days.

Automatically SYNC Leads To Your Desired Autoresponder: Add a 3-rd party Autoresponder of your choice and this software will automatically sync all your leads to it. So that you can follow up with them outside of this platform as well.

Send 250,000 Broadcast Emails Every Month: Send out UNLIMITED one-time broadcast emails to your entire list, or just a portion of it. You can use their in-built email editor to design beautiful emails, or simply copy & paste your own.

Store Upto 25,000 Leads In Your Account: Build and grow your lists without worrying. You can keep upto 25,000 leads in your account without having to pay a single dime extra. Which is more than enough to make thousands of dollars in profit.

Detailed Stats & Reporting: Track your results and conversions with their detailed stats and reporting system. This way you can see exactly what's working and scale your campaigns accordingly for maximum profits.

Powerful Custom SMTP Integration: You can easily integrate your own custom SMTP service like Sendgrid, Mailgun, Amazon SES, etc. and use it to send emails directly from their platform. TurboLists Review

Done For You Promo Campaigns That Generated Over $25,000: They don't want you to waste any time, so they've included DONE FOR YOU & Proven Promo Email Campaigns that have generated over $25,000 in sales. Just copy, paste and hit send. It's that simple!

1-Click Download Your Leads Anytime: You can easily download your entire list of leads in just 1-click. So you always have a backup, and you can use these leads to build your business outside of this platform as well.

Winning Product Finder: With their exclusive "Product Finder" you can quickly find high converting, high EPC, newly launched products from Warriorplus and JVZOO. So you can start promoting these products and make sales fast.

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